The Hanako Therapies journey began when we moved to the USA for a year of adventure with our little family of Jeff, Willow and myself. It was an exciting time but also completely placed us out of our comfort zone with a little 20-month-old at the time. I had left behind all my trusted practitioners and was on the hunt for more over there…. I’m a huge believer of maintenance and upkeep, dare I even call it preventive medicine. That being regular massage, acupuncture, reflexology, energy healing sessions etc. I had finished my Diploma in Energetic and Spiritual Healing and I had begun studies in Kundalini Yoga teacher training and Aromatherapy and Apothecary.
Still not having found anyone I began concocting my own vibrational blends, using the wisdom of what I had been taught but also relying on my own intuition. I knew how to support the lines of energy around the physical body by using different acupressure points, energy work and pure essential oils that have been traditionally used to support organs and states of being. I wanted each blend to gift us vibrationally a whole lot more.
Each blend is about supporting us and our many different states of being and carving out time to look after ourselves and create our own self love and care rituals that can help us on our journey. We can create our own Mindful moments by starting our day by closing our eyes and spraying over the crown of the head with any one of our aromatherapy elixirs, letting the mist fall through the energy field, feeling it touch our skin, taking a deep inhale and breathing in the vibrational elixirs. Letting it work its magic that is best suited for us. With the Meridian blends, we are working to harmonse the lines of energy around the body known as the Meridian system. In Traditional Chinese Medicine when the lines are working in harmony we are in good health.

Our essences help to support an awakening of one’s inner self and encourage healing to take place on a subtle yet deep level. It’s about empowering ourselves and taking steps to look after ourselves. Health is everything!!! Mind you this isn’t just using a product a bang you’re all good, we are just a small but important part of your day. This comes along with exercise, eating healthy, cutting out the toxins within the home. Creating a positive life, a positive mind and creating positive vibes, like attracts like.
I adore giving Energetic Healing sessions and our Hanako Therapies range is a part of this healing modality so we wanted to be able combine the two together and that’s how our personal prescriptions came about. We can chat, I can do an Energetic tune in and together we can work to come up with the most supportive blends for you and where you are at on your journey at this point in time.

Each blend is about supporting you and your many different states of being and carving out time to look after yourself and create your own self love and care rituals that can help you on your journey.

Remember... you are a divine being and your emotional and spiritual needs are entirely unique to you.
It is your birthright to experience unconditional love and joy and lead a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

I invite you to return home to yourself and in doing so, provide the world with the greatest gift of all – your true native essence.
Cannot wait to connect with you.
All my love,
Rach xo
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Click HERE for your Personalised Prescription