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TRIBE TALKS: Krystle Knight from Krystle Knight Jewellery


We're so honoured to have interviewed Krystle Knight from Krystle Knight Jewellery for our TRIBE TALKS series – a segment that focuses on conscious souls who inspire & cultivate a purposeful life. Take a seat, grab a herbal tea & read on.


1. Tell us a bit about yourself & the work that you do.
Originally from the eastern beaches of Sydney, I am now living up in nature in the Byron shire, which is a huge change, but I am loving it. KKJ began just over 4 years ago now, from the love of crystals & the love of jewellery, I was able to bring both together, & offer jewellery with meaning & wonderful healing powers.

2. How did you first foray into jewellery design?

My background is wholesale fashion of 7 years, so I learnt the business side of fashion, working as a Brand Manager in a small agency with an amazing boss/mentor. My plan was never to be a jewellery designer, or any designer at that. I have always loved crystal jewellery, however I never found anything that was just simple, stylish, yet still all about the crystal being the statement piece, so I created my very first collection in 2013 called Infinite Love, which was a tiny collection of jewellery I would love to wear myself. My first collection I was lucky enough to pick up 10 wholesale accounts…. And there started Krystle Knight Jewellery.

3. How do you stay grounded (e.g. meditation, cooking etc).
Living in nature now really helps, I am well & truly out of the craziness of Sydney, living with possums, snakes & on a dirt road.
I meditate & read, & hit the beach a lot.
Going to the gym keeps me really motivated & energized as well.
I have actually just completed Basic & Advanced Pranic Healing (which uses energy to heal). This is definitely is something I will start to learn more about this year, next course is Physiotherapy & then healing with Crystals! I can’t wait.

4. 3 Instagram accounts and/or blogs you are loving right now?
There is no one in particular really, but then also so many! I easily get distracted & lost in vortex of Insta stories these days! This is something I am working on ;-)

5. If a song could describe your life, which would it be?
I would be embarrassed to tell you my favourite songs, I am a top 40 kinda girl. However, at work I am currently listening to a Playlist on Spotify called ‘Sun Showers’. Super chilled but cool, I love it.

6. What are your top 5 non-negotiable life values?
Love from the heart
Be Kind.

7. If there was one thing you could tell your 15-year-old self what would it be?
The Universe will look after you. You are exactly where you are meant to be. Don’t worry so much.

8. What makes you come alive?
Hitting the gym AND… KKJ… being about to do something I love everyday & being able to hear the incredible stories from customers on how their crystals have helped them in life, whether it be in everyday work/life issues, love or long standing illnesses, people really appreciate & feel the power of crystals.

9. If you could have dinner with 3 people alive or dead, who would they be?
Super random mix of Nicole Richie, Margot Robbie & Jane Lu (found of the incredibly successful Show Po business.) Not only would be it be hilarious but also super inspiring.

10. Who is your greatest inspiration?
I would say my friends & family. They are all so successful in different ways & have been such incredible supporters in this life journey so far.

11. How important do you think having a spiritual connection with oneself is?
I can’t even begin to explain how important it is. I began a spiritual journey 6 years ago now. I can’t even imagine the person I would be today, if I hadn’t met certain people that would end up guiding me on that path I am on today. The Universe really does have your back & when you listen out & are open to being spiritually connected, so many incredible things will happen.

12. If you could have a superpower what would it be?

13. What do you want to be doing/feeling in 5 years time?
I will still have KKJ, maybe with a little more help ;-) However, I am on such an amazing roller coaster & aim to live life each day. I find if we are too focused on the past or the future, we really miss out on the present. True story ;-)

14. If you could be transported to any destination in the world right now, where would it be?

Somewhere warm… Italy! Amalfi Coast.

15. Why do you think crystals are so important in one’s life?
Someone once asked me, what happens when you take your crystals off… my answer was that I would never haha.. I have always carried around a little pouch of crystals with me for as long as I can remember. I think I got this from my mum. Any time I would go past a crystal store, I would pick a stone, which resonated with me at that time (meaning I now have a lot of little tumble stones!) The main crystal we work with is Clear Quartz. It is known to be the master healing stone of all crystals. It absorbs, stores & regulates all of the energies around you. This allows any negatives energies to be cleared, while allowing dreams & goals to be manifested. It is also known to increase energy, clarity & creativeness.

16. Can you provide your best career advance on following your heart/pursuing your passions?
Do it. Keep a full time job, work on something you love & are passionate about on the side & then when you become too busy with your passion, it means you can start full time on it. Also get an amazing accountant & mentor/ incredible supportive group of friends to bounce ideas off. Majority of my girlfriends are all business owners.

17. What are you working on at the moment?
We are ready & waiting on our newest collection LUNAR, which is arriving the first week of August. I fly down to Sydney this week, to shoot another collection, which will arrive early next year. Of course plenty of other things on my 3 page to do list.. but those are the exciting things… it really doesn’t stop, but I love it ;-)

18. Finally – what has your experience with Hanako elixirs been like (if any)?
The “I Am” Vibrational scents are amazing. I travel with one all of the time. I find it perfect for grounding & helps with just stopping for a moment. I am always on the go, & sometimes forget to just pause for a minute. I also spray just before I fall asleep every night.


Got a question for Krystle? Leave a comment below.